TREE AID work to create thriving, sustainable communities throughout the isolated and remote regions of Africa. They work with locally-based teams in the drylands of Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Niger and the isolated areas of Ethiopia, working with communities to build skills, knowledge and self-reliance.
It’s always such a pleasure working with this passionate team on a wide variety of materials from strategy documents to gift campaigns.

Tree Aid does such incredible work supporting families living in the drylands of Africa. They wanted to refresh their impact report to be able to clearly demonstrate the achievements and impact of their work, together with their plans for the future.
Striking imagery partnered with bold infographics created a modern look for this report. Elements of the report were able to be used online and within their Impact video to create a consistent message across all their channels.
To view the full report visit: www.treeaid.org.uk/about-us/our-impact/

An introduction spread, this was able to introduce there overarching acehivments of the year and highlighted the countries Tree Aid have supported.

Since 2015 I’ve been entrusted to design the Gifts that Grow catalogue and its additional mailing elements. A gift catalogue with a difference where each gift has the abitliy to make a very real difference to the communities Tree Aid supports . Each year we apply a slightly fresher approach, modernising it further and ensuring the layout is clear and easy for the reader to navigate. Its such a joy to be able to have a project that I can develop and see how it changes over the years.