Southmead Hospital Charity
ICU Collateral
ICU Collateral - A5 Leaflet
ICU Collateral - A5 Leaflet
ICU Collateral - A3 Poster
In memory
In memory
In memory
Legacy brochure
Brochure 1283-2 2022-02-16.png
Brochure 1283-1 2022-02-16.png
SHC Instagram-03.png
Brochure 1283-3 2022-02-16.png
Southmead Hospital Charity
Southmead Hospital Charity

Every day and every night, thousands of people across the South West and beyond need urgent, expert medical care from the NHS in Bristol. They aim to be there for every single patient, every step of the way.

Working together with their colleagues in Southmead and Cossham Hospitals and the Bristol Centre for Enablement, Southmead Hospital Charity use your donations across five critical areas – making a direct impact on the one million patients we treat every year. They provide what the NHS can’t and we couldn’t do it without support. By donating and fundraising, you are directly helping people in your community – when they need you most.

ICU Collateral
ICU Collateral

The team wanted me to create a pack which would form part of a tailored donation journey for family members and visitors of ICU patients and also be in the reception of the ICU at Southmead Hospital. This pack was also to set the standard and be the template for other ward-specific donation journeys.

Inspired by their logo and the curves within the people icons, I created a suite of assets which help to hold copy and images to create a soft design. These assets are now being used on their social channels and continue to work across other appeals.

ICU Collateral - A5 Leaflet
ICU Collateral - A5 Leaflet
ICU Collateral - A5 Leaflet
ICU Collateral - A5 Leaflet
ICU Collateral - A3 Poster
ICU Collateral - A3 Poster
In memory
In memory

It was an honour to work on a new design for the pack which will be used to enable people to remember a loved one but supporting the hospital that cared for them.

It was important to ensure that the imagery and style of the pack was done carefully, with the right tone and simple to read. The purple butterfly, which is present throughout the bereavement journey, was to be a key feature in the design.

If you’d like to remember your loved one and support Southmead Hospice Charity follow this link

In memory
In memory
In memory
In memory
Legacy brochure
Legacy brochure
Brochure 1283-2 2022-02-16.png
Brochure 1283-1 2022-02-16.png
SHC Instagram-03.png
Brochure 1283-3 2022-02-16.png