CARE International UK
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE International UK
CARE International UK

CARE works in 104 countries, supporting millions of the world’s poorest people to find routes out of poverty. They are there to provide life-saving assistance when disaster strikes, and to help people rebuild their lives afterwards. And they are there to work alongside people and communities on long-term programmes to deliver lasting change.

Their programmes and policy work tackle the systemic causes of poverty so that people can gain the power to change their own lives. They place special focus on empowering women and girls because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the ability to lift whole families and communities out of poverty.

For more information visit:

CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh

I was delighted to be asked to work on updated CARE International UK’s bi-annual newsletter. The brief was to modernise their current design and make it easier for the reader to navigate the content within it.

The Care International UK branding is strong and I had the benefit of a comprehensive brand site to work from. As we worked through the brief we switched the layout from landscape to portrait to give the newsletter more of a magazine feel. Then to help navigate the content, I introduced a hero colour for each section which linked back to the contents. I’ve just loved seeing how the new style really helps to bring their work to life and be able to give back to their supporters by acknowledging their role and the impact it has on their work.

CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh
CARE Together News - Newsletter refresh